Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

short week summary

i had lots of work during the last days and so you get a short summary of the stuff that happend:

when i arrived in kiel after our mallorca vacation, we had a little winter break:

on wendsday i visited a bball game of some friends of mine in kiel:

on thursday i went for some 'glühweine' to the christmas-market in kiel with two of the wquadrat employees:

the weekend i visited the christmas-markets in hamburg-city and hamburg-ottensen with my girlfriend, my sister and her boyfriend:


Blogger mongocity said...

hast du die fotos mit nen dosentelefon gemacht? Du brauchst dringend ne digicam, sach deim Vaddä Benno verlangt danach:)
Außerdem gehst du viel zu häufig branntwein bechern. Hast du meinen Warnhinweis nicht gelesen?
Na und am 27ten schön inne Forse???? AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAH
Tschuldigung...hehehe... ach der war gut...puh!
hasta luego amigo

7:13 AM  

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